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Networking for Party Planners: How to Build Industry Connections

Party Planning Academy haute-stock-photography-pop-the-bubbly-final-11-1280x760 Networking for Party Planners: How to Build Industry Connections

Networking for Party Planners

Let’s face it—party planning is more than just pretty centerpieces and fun playlists (although we love those too, right?). If you want to make it in this industry, knowing the right people can make all the difference. If you’re feeling a little unsure about how to get out there and start making connections, don’t worry! Let’s dive into some fun and simple ways to build industry connections.

1. Networking at Local Events

First up, it’s time to put yourself out there! Check out local networking events or any party-related conferences happening in your area. These events are packed with vendors, venues, and other planners who are dying to meet people just like you. Bring business cards to give to potential contacts (and clients). If you’re feeling fancy, add a little personal touch—like a handwritten note or a small freebie that represents your brand!

2. Join Online Communities

Not every connection happens in person, and that’s okay! There are loads of online groups, like Facebook groups, LinkedIn or Instagram communities. They’re full of party planners, vendors and event pros sharing tips. It’s a great way to meet people and collaborate on projects without leaving your couch. Join a few groups and start by participating in conversations. It’s a low-pressure way to start getting your name out there.

3. Make Friends with Vendors

Your vendors—florists, caterers, DJs, photographers—are going to be your besties in the party planning world. Build strong relationships with them, and not only will your events go smoother, but they might also send clients your way! Who wouldn’t want to work with someone they already know and trust? When you work with a new vendor, be professional, friendly, and genuinely interested in what they do. Follow up after the event with a thank-you email or even tag them in social media posts. Building relationships is a two-way street!

4. Collaborate on Styled Shoots

Styled shoots are like mock events where vendors come together to showcase their talents. It’s a fantastic way to meet new people in the industry, flex your creative muscles and walk away with stunning photos for your portfolio. If the shoot gets featured in a blog or magazine, hello free publicity! That’s the power of networking. Don’t be shy about reaching out to vendors you’d love to work with. A simple message like, “Hey, I’m planning a styled shoot and would love to collaborate with you!” can go a long way.

5. Keep in Touch

Networking isn’t just about making the connection; it’s about keeping it alive! If you’ve met someone great at an event, send them a quick follow-up email or message. Maybe check in with your favorite florist a few months after you’ve worked together, or send a holiday card to that venue manager who was so helpful. Be genuine! Networking shouldn’t feel forced. You don’t need to be constantly schmoozing—just maintain those relationships and show that you value the connection.

6. Create Your Own Events

If you’re feeling bold (and I know you are!), why not create your own networking event? Whether it’s an intimate brunch with local vendors or a full-on party planner meet-and-greet, this gives you the chance to bring people together on your turf. Not only will you showcase your skills, but you’ll also be at the center of a great networking opportunity. A small wine-and-cheese night at a local venue or a creative workshop for party planners and vendors can be a great way to connect with the industry in a fun, low-pressure setting.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Check out Build Your Party Planning Empire: The Ultimate Business Course! We cover how to build industry relationships and grow your business like a total boss.
